Frequently Asked Questions

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Do you ship internationally?

We ship worldwide through a number of international carriers. Additional tax and duties may be due upon delivery.

Do you offer bulk discounts or wholesale pricing?

We offer an automatic 10% discount on orders of 10 sets or more. Retailers may contact us for wholesale pricing and terms.

Do you make the knives or just the handles?

We don’t make the knives. We sell premium handle materials to professional and hobbyist knife makers all over the world. If you’d like a new knife with our handles or maybe an old knife of yours needs to be rehandled, reach out to us. We can refer you to one of our many customers to help you out.

Are your scales dishwasher safe?

Absolutely not. Water and heat will eventually swell and damage wood over time. Whether the wood is stabilized or not.

Can I send you my cutoffs to make scales with?

If it’s scrap for you it’s definitely scrap to us. Our material selection is a large part of what makes our handles stand out in the business. We select and stabilize all of our own wood and cast all of our own parts out of premium resins.

Can I send you martials to make scales with?

We are open to it but to insure a quality product, the materials must be qualified on per order basis based on makeup and dimensions. Reach out to us if you have something you’d like to use.

Can you recreate a set I missed out on?

We can do our best to recreate sets we’ve made in the past but understand that each set is unique. We can get it about 90% there but minor differences in color tone and pattern will be present.

Reach out with any questions